Sample Eating Plan

Plant-based eating can make a big difference in how you perform, look, and feel, but as with most positive lifestyle changes, preparation is half the battle.

If you’re not quite sure where to begin, we’ve put together a simple one-day eating plan that you can use as a “blueprint” to build your own personalized game plan. Choose between different types of meals and snacks (including options from our own recipe collection), and customize to suit your own preferences, lifestyle and performance/fitness goals (whether it’s Gaining Muscle and Strength, Improving Endurance, Getting and Staying Lean and/or Optimizing Health.) We’ve also included guidance on easy ways to boost your protein intake.


Option 1

Oatmeal1: oats + plant-based ("PB") milk2 + nuts/seeds + banana/berries.

Option 2

Toast or Bagel: whole grain bread/bagel + tempeh bacon + avocado OR nut butter + banana/low-sugar fruit spread

Option 3

Breakfast Scramble: tofu/plant-based eggs + tempeh/PB sausage + veggies

Option 4

Protein Smoothie: PB milk2 + protein powder + banana + berries (may also add nuts/nut butter, PB yogurt, greens like kale/spinach, etc.)

For a weekend treat: Try French Toast, Blueberry Pancakes, or Waffles


Option 1

Sandwich: whole grain bread + tofu/ tempeh/PB deli slices + tomato + greens (romaine/arugula/spinach) + avocado

Option 2

Stew: beans/tofu/tempeh/PB meat + root vegetable (yams, beets, carrots) + greens (collards/kale/spinach) + herbs/spices

Option 3

Burrito: whole wheat wrap + beans/tofu/ tempeh/jackfruit/PB meat + grilled veggies + salsa + guacamole/plant-based cheese

Option 4

Bowl: beans/tofu/tempeh/PB meat + whole grain (brown rice/quinoa/buckwheat) + root vegetable (yams/beets/carrots) + greens (collards/kale/spinach) + sauce

Option 5

Soup: beans + greens (kale/collards/spinach) + herbs/spices + avocado + whole grain bread


Option 1

Pasta: whole grain pasta3 + tofu/tempeh/PB meat + veggies + sauce

Option 2

Stir Fry: tofu/tempeh/PB meat + greens + veggies + sauce

Option 3

Chili: kidney and/or other beans + tomatoes + veggies

Option 4

Curry: beans/tofu/tempeh/PB meat + veggies + sauce

Option 5

Quesadillas: beans + whole grain (brown rice/quinoa) + root vegetables (sweet potatoes/yams/squash) + vegetables (sweet potatoes/peppers/onions) + spices + whole grain tortilla


Option 1

Smoothie (see above) or smoothie bowl1

Option 2

Cereal: whole grain cereal + PB milk2 + nuts/seeds + banana/berries

Option 3

Trail Mix1: whole nuts/seeds + dried fruit + non-dairy dark chocolate chips

Option 4

Power balls1: blended nuts/seeds + dried fruit

Option 5

James’ Protein Bars: oats + nuts + dried fruit + banana + protein powder

For your sweet tooth: Fudge Brownies or Chocolate Ice Cream

1 For extra protein, add protein powder or chunks of your favorite protein bar.
2 For extra protein, add protein powder or chunks of your favorite protein bar.
3 For extra protein, try a legume-based pasta.

Recommended Further Reading


10 Plant-Based Recipes for the Big Game

Nutrition | Plant-Based Basics | Resources

Important Nutrients


Please note that this sample meal plan is designed to provide basic guidance only, and does not take into account your specific health and fitness goals or your individual circumstances. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making changes to your diet and/or exercise program, and confirm that your diet includes your country’s recommended intake of all the essential nutrients, including vitamin B12. For information about The Game Changers and our site, please review our Terms of Use.